Mentors Toolbox
Welcome! The Mentors Toolbox includes a range of information for working with your student. As your student grows and changes, and you get to know each other better, you will face new situations that information in this section addresses.
And never hesitate to contact Aimee at any time by email.
Beyond the Basics
Once your routine is established, new situations are bound to surface. Here are answers to common mentor questions and tips for handling worrisome situations. More ...
Grading and Infinite Campus
A passing grade is required to receive credit for a class. Many teachers use the app Edmodo to communicate assignments to students. All teachers use the app Infinite Campus to inform students, parents, and mentors of current grades. More ...
Academic Resources
Encourage your student, with or without you, to explore options for getting help with class work. Here is a starter list of options. More ...
Summer Jobs and Volunteering
Through volunteering and summer jobs, students can gain confidence, collaboration skills, and expand their world beyond school. Many resources are available to help students find opportunities. More ...
After Graduation
Many students have dreams of college, but often lack a true understanding of the options and process. East counseling is their primary resource, but the links provided here will be helpful to you as you help your student. More ...